Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Gladiator Fights


A gladiator was a man who was forced to fight in a coliseum against another man or an exotic animal to the death. They were criminals, slaves, and at one point in time Christians. Gladiators fight to the death and they won all their fights for three years they were able to get their freedom.
Boxing matches and UFC fights are similar to gladiator fight in Rome but there is less blood shed. Our society is not much different the people in Rome cheering on the gladiators because we like to see other people get hurt and we like blood shed.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hellenistic Culture

The Hellenistic Culture

It all started when King Phillip II had a dream of conquering the world. He started by conquering Greece, when one of his bodyguards stabbed him in the chest and killed him. Afterwards his son Alexander at the age of 20 took on his legacy and conquered a part of Asia from Egypt to India. With all of these different cultures he decided to make one culture for the region he had conquered into one which is the Hellenistic Culture.